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2020 Events

Sr. No.

Name of the workshops / seminars

Date (from – to)

Staff Professional Development Programme on Writing Skills

04-01-2020 - 04-01-2020

Training on criminology and forensic science

09-01-2020 - 12-01-2020

National Symposium on Consumerism, Consumer citizenship, and sustainable consumption

11-01-2020 - 12-01-2020

JAG (Judge Advocate General)Workshop

17-01-2020 - 17-01-2020

Value Added Course on Capital Markets Practice

23-01-2020 - 25-01-2020

National Seminar on Discourses of Human Trafficking: Reflections on various perspectives

08-02-2020 - 09-02-2020

One day workshop on violence on women with disabilities in collaboration with SRUTI Disability Centre Kolkata

15-02-2020 - 15-02-2020

National Seminar on Ground Water Management Law

15-02-2020 - 15-02-2020

One day Workshop on Election Laws in India

16-02-2020 - 16-02-2020

Seminar on Crime Prevention and Control

29-02-2020 - 01-03-2020

National Symposium on IPR - CIPRA

11-10-2020 - 11-10-2020