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Literary and Debate cell of Symbiosis Law School Hyderabad organised a multi-event programme which was a combination of a cluster of various interesting competitions that were integrated to form the event. Mosaic in its literal sense means a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc.; hence the name Mosaic. Mosaic included various compelling competitions like Painting and Photography Competition, Essay Writing and Poetry Competition, Extempore and Debate Competition

These events invited a huge number of participation from the students of all the batches. The cluster and combination of different events that was organised in a time span of two days was something that made Mosaic different. Each event was organised with a great amount of zeal and interest. There was a lot of participation from the students, and each participant exhibited considerable dedication and made the contest extremely competitive and a treat to watch. The Objectives of Mosaic were to:

Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
  • To create new opportunities for social and cultural interaction.

  • Set up an inclusive forum that brings together those with a common interest in the written word.

  • Provide a program of events that engages and inspires the interest of the regional community in many forms of the written word.

  • To provide opportunities for showcasing the hidden talents and special skills.


The Painting and Photography competition was called shades and strokes which were held on the 23rd of January. This event saw a considerable amount of participation and the students exhibited a lot of interest and enthusiasm and participated with immense competitiveness and zeal. The Painting event started at around 4 in the afternoon, and the set-up of the event was done in one of the rooms of the academic block. The theme for the Painting Competition was social issues. All the talented participants had picked up an engaging social issue be it domestic violence, Women Empowerment, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Gender equality and many more. Every participant tried their best to use their creative minds in the most unique and efficient way and decorate their canvases with their beautiful artistic creations. The Chief Guest for the Painting Competition was Mr Laxman Aeley, a celebrated painter of India. The literary and debate cell had organised for a formal induction program for marking the beginning of the event MOSAIC. The chief Guest was felicitated by our director Dr. M.I. Baig. The Chief Guest drew a live sketch for us and it was a treat to watch the immensely talented artist showcasing one of his works. The painting competition was judged by the Chief Guest Dr. Laxman Aeley, who was very impressed and mesmerised with the creative artistic works of the participants and the winners were declared on the spot. The painting Competition ended on a blissful note as the winners were declared and the best pieces of art were chosen.

The theme for the PHOTOGRAPHY Competition was ‘The Campus’. Every participant captured every part of the grand campus in the most beautiful and magnificent way and made the campus look even more splendid and majestic than it already is.


The competition of poetry and essay was named inkpot. The theme for the essay competition was ‘Inclusive India’. The participants had to submit their respective essays on the given mail address. With an attempt to explore and nourish the talents of the students, the literary and debate cell had organised an essay competition on the topic Inclusive India. The purpose of the essay competition was to demonstrate the writing skills of the participants, as well express their outlook on current national issues.The competition was opened for all the batches. In response, a large number of write-ups were submitted to us before the dateline that was 24th of January. Through a long process of critical judgement, the panel of judges selected the best write-ups for the award. There was no particular theme for the poetry competition. The participants had to submit their innovative poems before the dateline that was 24th of January. After a comprehensive reading of all the poems by the panel of judges, the best poems were selected for award.


The extempore and debate competition took place on the 24th of January, 2017. In the extempore, the participants had to speak about issues that were given to them on the spot. This helped the participants in enhancing their speaking skills. The panel of judges extensively judged the performance of each participant, and through a long process of thorough judgement, the winners were decided. The debate competition was organised in a unique way. The topic of the debate competition was ‘Demonetisation. The participants were divided into teams of two. Two teams were made to debate on the topic at one particular time. The participants were given the topic a day before and the way they used their reasoning skills and creative minds, it was quite evident that they were well versed with their respective speeches and they expressed their opinions in the most fashioned way. The panel of judges had to face a tough time in picking the winners. But after a lot of discussions, critical analysis, and deliberations, the judges finally picked the winners for the award.

The following awards were given for the Debate Competition:

  • Best Team

  • Best Speaker(For)

  • Best Speaker(Against)

  • Best Question

  • Best Answer

Mosaic that included a range of events be it poetry, essay writing, extempore, debate, painting or photography, received a positive and exceptional response and the entries for participation in each competition were quite high. Each event witnessed a competitive spirit and positive attitude among the participants. Every event was judged by a respectable panel of judges that declared the most deserving participants as winners. The members of the literary and debate cell had put in their best efforts to make this a successful event and to make this an essential learning and fun experience for the participants. Every participant has been awarded a participation certificate on behalf of the college for their active participation. Therefore, Mosaic was an overall substantial learning experience for the students of symbiosis law school, Hyderabad and considering the positive response that Mosaic received, the Literary and Debate cell would be looking forward to organise more of such events in the near future.

Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
  • Deputy Director, Director, the Guest and faculty-in-charge Mr. B. Srinivas

  • Dr. MI Baig felicitating Laxman Aeley

  • Sri Laxman Aeley’s live drawing

Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H

Student Participants

Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H

Paintings by the students



On 26th January 2017 the Cultural Cell of Symbiosis Law School organised an event to celebrate the 68th Republic Day. The event started at 8 o’clock in the morning. All the members of the Cultural Cell along with the students and other faculty members were present near the flag post in the Academic Block. The dignitaries present at the occasion were Dr. M.I.Baig, director of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad and Dr. R.K.Jain, director of Symbiosis Institute of Management, Hyderabad and from Symbiosis Institute of Management, Pune we had a special invitee Mrs. Radhika Maria Tabrez. Mrs. Radhika Maria Tabrez was the first lady president of the students’ council in 25 years. The event began with unfurling of the tricolour by the dignitaries followed by national anthem which was sung by each and every person present there. Then our Director Sir felicitated the guest for the function. After the felicitation Dr. Baig took over the dais and gave us a motivational speech which sparked the sense of patriotism in everyone’s heart. Which then was succeeded with a speech by Dr. Jain, with an equally powerful and motivational speech. Following the speech of Dr. Jain, Mrs. Radhika Maria Tabrez took over the dais and enthralled the audience present there with her encouraging speech. With her excellent command over the language and witty words she marked the sense of encouragement in every student and faculty member which was associated with Symbiosis International University. The programme ended with a small performance by the students of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad.

Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H

Flag Hoisting by the Directors, SLS and SIBM

Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H
Events of Literary and Debate cell SLS-H

Address by the Director, SLS Hyderabad

Address by the Guest of Honour Mrs. Radhika Maria Tabrez


Symbiosis Law School Hyd - 21ST FEBRUARY, 2017

  • “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.”

    Rita Mae Brown

Being exposed to the existence of other languages increases the perception that the world is populated by people who not only speak differently from oneself but whose cultures and philosophies are other than one’s own. Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow and if we try to understand each other’s language, we may even become friends.

MatriBasha Diwas celebration at SLS-H
MatriBasha Diwas celebration at SLS-H

As per directives of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India, on 21st February 2017, the Cultural Cell of Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad organised an event to celebrate “Matrabhasha Diwas” in order to raise awareness about one’s mother tongue and to promote the use of mother tongues in our institution.

MatriBasha Diwas celebration at SLS-H
MatriBasha Diwas celebration at SLS-H

The event was hosted by Abhijit Christopher, Aishwarya Iyer and Vyashnavi Moola in English, Hindi and Telegu. The event began with lighting of the lamp by the Director Dr. M.I.Baig and Deputy director Dr. Sukhwinder Singh Dari accompanied by the entire teaching faculty. It was followed by an enthralling drama by the Centre for Specialising in Performing Arts on the significance of Nation and mother tongue in once life. The drama was about how an NRI who comes back to his land is hit by it’s sorrows and helplessness. After the drama all the competitions began. Starting with elocution, there were 7 participants, all of them spoke in their mother tongue. But as it is known that in every competition there is a winner. Out of the 7 participants we chose 3 amazing speakers. The 1st prize was given to Aishwarykant Chaturvedi who enthralled the audience by his amazing speech in Hindustanti language (mix of hindi and urdu), 2nd prize was given to Joby Noble for his speech in Malyalam and the 3rd prize was bagged by Soumya Sangidhanam for her speech in Telegu. Then it was followed by the dance performances representing the mother tongue of each performer. All the performances were as mesmerising as ever. The first prize was bagged by two performances one being a duet performance by Amrita Kundu and Kshitij Singh and the other a solo performance by Saumya Kapoor. And the third prize was given to Tressa Maria Joseph and her group who performed on a Kerala song. Once all the dance performances were over it was time for the singing performances. The performers took the audience on a melodious trail of various languages from Bengali to Malyalam to Hindi. Everyone was awestruck by the performances. The first prize for singing was bagged by Sreejita Mitra and Paulomi Goswami. The second and the third prize was bagged by Joby Noble and group and Udepta Chaudhary. Thus the celebration of Matrabhasha diwas came to an end.

Workshop on “ENVIRONMENTALISM: GREEN DISCOURSE AND PUBLIC POLICY” by Dr. Puroshottam Reddy, Dr. Narsimha Reddy, Mr. Keshava Reddy, Dr. Indrasena Reddy, Dr. T. Vijaya Lakshmi and Ms. Sravya Reddy on 6thMarch, 2018



The need and importance to preserve the Environment cannot be appreciated enough by humanity.Through the recent endeavors that humanity has undertaken to satiate its needs for luxury and comfort, environment has been neglected and exploited. We have always been selfish in our approach towards utilizing the environment for our convenience.

The workshop was held to portray the importance of conservation of environment and how environment is degrading around us without our knowledge and to inculcatea sense of responsibility among the citizens.

The objective of the workshop was to enable the students:

  • To highlight the relevance of environmentalism in the public policy.

  • To facilitate the role of the student community in the conservation programs.

  • To provide students with a theoretical and empirical understanding of governance and public policy.

The list of speakers and the issues they addressed in the Workshop

  1. Dr. Narsimha Reddy

  2. Mr. Keshava Reddy

  3. Dr. Indrasena Reddy

  4. Dr. T. Vijaya Lakshmi

  5. Ms. Shravya Reddy


MAY 21st 2018, MONDAY


As the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has declared 21st May 2018 as Anti-terrorism day and every year 21st May shall be observed as Anti-Terrorism day Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad organized Anti-Terrorism day. The main objective behind the observance is to wean away the youth from terrorism and the cult of violence by highlighting the sufferings of common people and showing as to how prejudiced it is to the national interest. All Universities and Institutes of higher learning are called upon to observe this day to create a determined and a sustained drive to bring about a mass awakening against terrorism and violence by making appropriate projection through research, lectures, and teachings. It is hereby instructed that the academic community may highlight the sufferings of children, women, and all others who are horrifyingly victimized through terrorism.

The Government of India has instructed all its citizens to take an anti-terrorism pledge. Mr. D. Ganesh Kumar, Asst. Professor of Law, anchored the program. He opened the program welcoming the audience and stating the purpose of assembling. He defined terrorism and anti-terrorism and set the momentum of the programme followed by Introduction to Anti-Terrorism Day by Dr. Prageetha G Raju, Associate Professor. She elucidated the objectives behind the observance of Anti-terrorism day and highlighted that Academicians play a prominent role in curbing terrorism and cult of violence among student through their teachings. Dr. Bandameedi Srinivas spoke about the Anti-Terrorism Day its Significance & Efficacy.He observed that this is the same day, on 21st May, in the year 1991, our former Prime Minister, Shri. Rajiv Gandhi was brutally assassinated by a suicide bomber. This horrific incident indelibly registered in the minds of people. Even today we can see the pieces of his clothes and shoes in Indira memorial museum, New Delhi. These objects bring back the tragedy to our minds sending chills down the spine.

It is indeed the day to mourn the death of our former prime minister; it is also the day to immerse in more profound contemplation to dream about a peaceful society. Terrorist outfits may have their own ideologies with convincing reason and logic. No one has a problem until this ideologies has friction with the other ideologies. But violence in form cannot be justified on the name of ideologies because there is no space for violence in sensible modern societies where political institutions are more open for discussions and debates. Interestingly, one of the prominent political thinkers who believed in the philosophy of violence for political change made strikingly contrast statement, He quoted “Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend." This amazing statement is relevant to every civilized society in every age because it clearly talks about the importance of ideas, the clash of ideas, and the elimination of ideas but not about the elimination of the people. He humbly requested all the teachers and all staff members of SLS Hyderabad to carry forward the essence of nonviolence and inculcate it among the students.

Dr. Prageetha G Raju administered the Oathand all the teaching and non-teaching staff of SLSH repeated after her. The oath is as follows:

“We, the people of India, having abiding faith in our country’s tradition of non-violence and tolerance, hereby solemnly affirm to oppose with our strength, all forms of terrorism and violence. We pledge to uphold and promote peace, social harmony, and understand among all fellow human beings and fight the forces of disruption threatening human lives and values.”

The program concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Mr. D. Ganesh Kumar.

Colleagues repeating the oath after Dr. Prageetha G Raju


MAY 21st 2018, MONDAY

As the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India has declared 21st May 2018 as Anti-terrorism day and every year 21st May shall be observed as Anti-Terrorism day Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad organized Anti-Terrorism day. The main objective behind the observance is to wean away the youth from terrorism and the cult of violence by highlighting the sufferings of common people and showing as to how prejudiced it is to the national interest. All Universities and Institutes of higher learning are called upon to observe this day to create a determined and a sustained drive to bring about a mass awakening against terrorism and violence by making appropriate projection through research, lectures, and teachings. It is hereby instructed that the academic community may highlight the sufferings of children, women, and all others who are horrifyingly victimized through terrorism.

The Government of India has instructed all its citizens to take an anti-terrorism pledge. Mr. D. Ganesh Kumar, Asst. Professor of Law, anchored the program. He opened the program welcoming the audience and stating the purpose of assembling. He defined terrorism and anti-terrorism and set the momentum of the programme followed by Introduction to Anti-Terrorism Day by Dr. Prageetha G Raju, Associate Professor. She elucidated the objectives behind the observance of Anti-terrorism day and highlighted that Academicians play a prominent role in curbing terrorism and cult of violence among student through their teachings. Dr. Bandameedi Srinivas spoke about the Anti-Terrorism Day its Significance & Efficacy.He observed that this is the same day, on 21st May, in the year 1991, our former Prime Minister, Shri. Rajiv Gandhi was brutally assassinated by a suicide bomber. This horrific incident indelibly registered in the minds of people. Even today we can see the pieces of his clothes and shoes in Indira memorial museum, New Delhi. These objects bring back the tragedy to our minds sending chills down the spine.

It is indeed the day to mourn the death of our former prime minister; it is also the day to immerse in more profound contemplation to dream about a peaceful society. Terrorist outfits may have their own ideologies with convincing reason and logic. No one has a problem until this ideologies has friction with the other ideologies. But violence in form cannot be justified on the name of ideologies because there is no space for violence in sensible modern societies where political institutions are more open for discussions and debates. Interestingly, one of the prominent political thinkers who believed in the philosophy of violence for political change made strikingly contrast statement, He quoted “Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend." This amazing statement is relevant to every civilized society in every age because it clearly talks about the importance of ideas, the clash of ideas, and the elimination of ideas but not about the elimination of the people. He humbly requested all the teachers and all staff members of SLS Hyderabad to carry forward the essence of nonviolence and inculcate it among the students.

Dr. Prageetha G Raju administered the Oathand all the teaching and non-teaching staff of SLSH repeated after her. The oath is as follows:

“We, the people of India, having abiding faith in our country’s tradition of non-violence and tolerance, hereby solemnly affirm to oppose with our strength, all forms of terrorism and violence. We pledge to uphold and promote peace, social harmony, and understand among all fellow human beings and fight the forces of disruption threatening human lives and values.”

The program concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Mr. D. Ganesh Kumar.

Colleagues repeating the oath after Dr. Prageetha G Raju


Ambiente Photography Competition - SLS Hyderabad

On 9th July 2018, a photography competition –Ambiente, was conducted to try and reminisce the mesmerizing quality nature had and capture this enchanting element in the form of pictures. The competition was mainly conducted to appreciate the beauty of nature and also the outlook of the person capturing it in his lens with his photography skills.

The event posters around the campus built enthusiasm among the students and on the day of event, the participation was surprisingly high. The photographs were to be submitted by mail to the Environmental Law Cell id by 12.00am. Around 20 submissions were made. Photographs of varied elements of nature of waterfalls, insects, migratory birds, simple yet intrinsic leaves and even pictures of the beautiful campus painted with mesmerizing colours of sky were submitted.

Guest Lecture by Anand Bhushan (Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas) on “INTERSECTION OF LAW AND TECHNOLOGY”, dated: 13thJuly, 2018

Guest Lecture by Anand Bhushan - SLS Hyderabad

Mr. Bhushan, Head for Chennai Office and Partner at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co. visited the Hyderabad campus to deliver a lecture on the topic of “Intersection of Law and Technology”. He emphasised on the importance of the need to create design law and also how 3D printing can substitute the human labour in the 21st Century.

Then he discussed about how lack of market plan and future planning can turn out against an organisation by taking the famous example of Kotak. Data Protection being a very crucial topic in the course of Information Technology Law, was thoroughly discussed by the speaker emphasising on how vulnerable the data of the common people is, taking areference from Cambridge Analytica. He further elaborated the concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain and SMARS. On the later stage of the lecture, he further discussed about the trending link between Intellectual Property Rights and Technology.



On 9th July 2018, a photography competition –Ambiente, was conducted to try and reminisce the mesmerizing quality nature had and capture this enchanting element in the form of pictures. The competition was mainly conducted to appreciate the beauty of nature and also the outlook of the person capturing it in his lens with his photography skills.

The event posters around the campus built enthusiasm among the students and on the day of event, the participation was surprisingly high. The photographs were to be submitted by mail to the Environmental Law Cell id by 12.00am. Around 20 submissions were made. Photographs of varied elements of nature of waterfalls, insects, migratory birds, simple yet intrinsic leaves and even pictures of the beautiful campus painted with mesmerizing colours of sky were submitted.

Guest Lecture by Dr. Usha Ramanathan on “PRIVACY AND THE LAW”, dated: 26th July 2018th July, 2018

Guest Lecture on Privacy and the Law was organized on July 26th 2018 by Centre for Specialization in Cyber Law Studies. Dr. Usha Ramanathan was invited as the resource person who gave a practical insight of the topic.

Guest Lecture by Ms Persis Hodiwalla & Mr. Persie Jalgaonwala on “FACETS OF MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW”, dated: 28th and 29thJuly 2018

Ms. Persis Hodiwalla, an In House Legal Counsel with more than a decade long years of work experience in the Media and Entertainment sector was invited as the resource person to discuss the topic “Facets of Media and Entertainment Law”. She has been associated with major Film production houses in India and has worked on almost 14 Films and also in other areas of this field wherein she was associated with agreements and contracts related to Film Production, Distribution, and Segregation of Intellectual Property Rights.

Guest Lecture On “THE FUTURE PROSPECTS OF INDIAN LAW GRADUATES IN UAE” by Mr. P. K. Abdul Raheem, dated: 17thJuly, 2018

P. K. Abdul Raheem (Partner- ARG Law Partners & Associate Mohammed Aleghfeli Advocates & Legal Consultants, United Arab Emirates) was invited as the resource person to deliver a one-day lecture on “The Future Prospects Of Indian Law Graduates In UAE”. This program was organised by the Centre for Human Rights and its objective wasto give the budding lawyers an insight of the upcoming and ongoing opportunities in the UAE along with the importance of commercial international arbitration.


The Centre for Human Rights had taken its form in January, 2018. However, to give it a formal beginning, the Centre was inaugurated on 14th July, 2018. Honourable Justice A. Rajasekhar Rahu, Judge of the High Court of Judicature Hyderabad and Ms. G. Rosy, founder, Sankalp Foundation were the Chief Guest and the Guest of Honour respectively. As a part of the Symbiosis culture, the ceremony began with the lighting of the lamp by both the guests along with the Officiating Director, Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Dari and the Head of the Centre for Human Rights, Professor Ahmar Afaq. The welcome address was given by the Officiating Director, Dr. Sukhvinder Singh Dari followed by the felicitation of the guests. The most awaited moment came with the formal inauguration of the Centre by the unveiling of the curtain of the marble shield.

SLS Hyderabad - Event Gallery

Speaking on this occasion,Ms. G Rosy spoke about her struggle in life and how her father used to tell his daughters, to be like Mother Teresa. And these very words inspired her to take up this profession. Today, she operates a full-fledged orphanage with about 2000 children being a part of it. Apart from this she runs school imparting primary education to all the needy children. Her inspiring words touched the hearts of many in the audience. The Honourable Justice, A. Rajasekhar Rahu, spoke about the importance of Human rights in the day to day. He quoted a few cases decided by the Honourable Supreme Court, throwing light upon the importance of Human Rights and how to invoke the same amidst the Indian society. Both the guests wished the Centre good luck, hoping that it would reach greater heights and leave an imprint behind.