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One Year LL.M. Programme in Business and Corporate Law & Criminal and Security Law are offered by SLS Hyderabad with an objective to create research-centric intellectuals and academicians. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the legal aspects of Business governance and liabilities. And our innovative pedagogy aims at enabling the learners in understanding the practical difficulties in businesses while meeting their legal obligations and complying with regulatory frameworks. There is an emphasis on an interdisciplinary approach in the study of law and research orientation underlining the relevance of research methodology with utmost technical precision and scientific sophistication.
Candidates should possess at least 50% marks or equivalent grade [45% for SC/ST Candidates] in their Three or Five Year LL.B. Degree from any Indian or Foreign University recognized by the UGC. Candidates who have appeared for the final year LL.B. examination may also apply.
Mobile : +91 - 7093921240 / 41 / 42
Landline : 040-27232215 / 210 / 153 / 154
Email : info@slsh.edu.in