All Events

2019 Events

Sr. No.

Name of the workshops / seminars

Date (from – to)

Workshop on Teaching Pedagogy to teaching staff

18-06-2019 - 18-06-2019

Workshop on Key to success for Civil Services Exam and CV Writing and Interview Skills and opportunities

06-07-2019 - 07-07-2019

Mediation Training Session and Mock Simulation

12-10-2019 - 13-10-2019

The Draft Code on Social Security 2019

22-10-2019 - 22-10-2019

Introduction to Teaching, Evaluation, and Research Skills

02-12-2019 - 07-12-2019

FDP on Team Work for teaching and non-teaching staff

21-12-2019 - 21-12-2019

Combating Violence against Women - Role of youth

28-12-2019 - 28-12-2019

Gender Sensitization Workshop


Session on Business and IPR

01-02-2019 - 01-02-2019