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Centre for Sports Law and Policy (CSLP)


The Centre for Sports Law and Policy (CSLP) at Symbiosis Law School, is a studentbody organization that aims to aid students who yearn to learn more about the intricaciesof the division of Sports Law. The Centre, which was founded in the year 2018, aims tobridge the existing gap in order to create awareness about the existing legal framework ofsports authorities, the functioning of the sport’s governing bodies, the precise applicationof law to issues surrounding players and promote research to contribute to thedevelopment of Sports Law. Like the famous idiom, ‘You give a man a fish, he will eatfor a day, but you show a man how to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.’ The Centre forSports Law and Policy thereby recognizes the importance of knowledge and the rippleeffect it creates in an individual's life, knowing well that knowledge does not merelyconfer to traditional academics, but also that a wholesome experience of gaining andsharing knowledge, actively working towards the development of Sports Law and itsperipherals. It strives to provide people with information on day to day instances andnews in the field of Sports Law.It aims to make a community of people, and to develop aculture in the field itself for the pursuance of Sports Law and as a legal study anddiversified field of Law.
The Centre, through its initiative, thereby has conducted events in the format ofworkshops, capsule courses, webinars, and competitions that were open to students,research scholars and academicians all across the country to participate and attainknowledge regarding a plethora of issues surrounding Sports Law. Through the Centre’sevents, participants have been enlightened by imminent resourced persons withexceptional expertise in Sports Law. The Centre, actively works towards training studentsin the field in order to help them inculcate skills in specific fields of interest from the very onset. The major objective of the Centre is to spread awareness of the field of Sports Lawand help educate every sports enthusiast in the same. We aim to provide the best possiblefoundation for a budding Sports Law practitioner and to develop skills required to pursuethe same.


The Centre for Sports Law and Policy (CSLP) aims to build an initiative for research anddevelopment in the niche area of Sports Law, Policy and Governance. It primarily focuseson highlighting the contemporary and critical issues affecting the formulation, regulation,and implementation of law and policy affecting Sports. Our main objectives are:

  • To provide insights into new trends in the domain of Sports Law.
  • To provide Anti- Doping Advisory and legal assistance in investigations andproceedings.
  • To organize webinar, seminars, workshops, training programs and interactions withexperts, symposiums, conferences, etc.
  • To offer certificate courses in the arena related to Sports Law and internshipopportunities for various target groups.


  • Mr. Subrajit Chanda - Visiting Faculty, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
    LL.M. Sports Law (Nottingham Trent University),
    LL.M. Energy Law (UPES, Dehradun)Currently pursuing PhD in Sports Law

Official Email-id of Centre :

List of members with official Email id only:





Sakshi Sonal


Rishabh Sethi


Bhoomi Kuroop


Yash Shah


Arjun menon


Atreyee Chakraborti


Rahul Naresh


Ajay Gurudatt


Om Singhania


Kushagra Pawar


Arjun Ramprasad


Shresth Vidyarthi


Pranay Dodla


Riya Palnitkar


Kavish Arora


Vishvak Sunil


Rohitkumar Devnani


Arpith Reddy


Devansh Gupta


Sreekriti Taggarse


Activities conducted by CSLP
Activities conducted by CSLP
  • The Centre for Sports Law and Policy conducted a workshop on ‘Introduction &Evolution of Sports Law’ on 27th August 2018. The guest speaker for the workshopwas Mr. Tarun, who is a research and teaching associate at GNLU. The first sessionbegan with the evolution of play, game and sport. The meaning and scope of play,game and sports was discussed. ‘State of Mind’ being the most essential part of ‘Play’was understood. The next session dealt with the ‘Rise of Modern Sports andInternational Bodies.’ The birth of Modern World from 19th century which further ledto the evolution of ‘modern Sport’ was briefed. We also saw how ‘sports’ and ‘power’plays an important role on Globalisation. The third session was done with illustratingexamples on sports, politics and international relations which is the biggest reason forthe existence of sports law. The final session focussed on the need, challenges and theway forward in the arena of sports. The guest focused on legal aspect of sports law,which involved the role, and rise of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Specialemphasis was made on the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS), its divisions, andthe position of India at the CAS. Altogether it was an enriching experience for theattendees to which broaden their perspective towards the field of sports law.

    Activities conducted by CSLP
    Activities conducted by CSLP
    Activities conducted by CSLP

  • The next even organised was Dream Team on 18th & 19th of March 2019. This eventwas all about coming up with a team of four members and the aim of the teams willbe to build a 15 members football team along with a stadium and having a title and kitsponsors. This event was all about assessing the negotiation skills, team spirit,leadership qualities, and financial management skills through which theparticipantshave to crack a deal of building their team in the best possible way. Thefirst day of the event was about building a team 15 members through bidding andgetting sponsorship for the team through negotiation. This day was all about showingtheir financial management skills and to crack a deal in the best possible manner.

    Activities conducted by CSLP

    (Ms. Shampa Sen Gupta)

    Activities conducted by CSLP

    (Mr. Pavan Muntha)

    Activities conducted by CSLP

    (Ms. Srinidhi Rghavan)

  • The capsule course held was an insightful course on Contemporary Issues of SportsLaw on 14th & 15th September, 2019. It was conducted by Mr. Tarun, who is anAssistant Professor at Gujarat National Law School (GNLU). On the first day, theEvolution of Sports Law in India and a comparative study with Sports law in otherCountries was dealt with. The need of strict execution of the laws in India was highlyemphasized on. The next day was about different aspects of sports laws and its scope. Some students were highly doubtful about any future or career in sports law and howwho to enter in the field but, our guest speaker was highly equipped with all theanswers and explained all the process of pursuing sports law and making a career outof it. The second day also had a debate competition which was judged by Mr Tarun.The event was concluded with a one-on-one session with the expertMr. Tarun.

    Activities conducted by CSLP
    Activities conducted by CSLP

  • The first webinar conducted by the Centre was on 26th July 2020 on the topic of‘Impact of Covid -19 on the football Industry’. It had a good mix of panellists whoare involved with the football industry in different capacities. The first speaker MrDev Kumar Parmar who is an international sports attorney and a registered brokerwith the Football Association of England. He is the Director of ISDE, Spain and isalso on the advisory board of the Union of European Football Associations(UEFA).He discussed the future of Football and the vital decisions to be made infuture and emphasised the importance of grass root level work in the field of sportsmanagement and mentioned how clubs are looking to improve their junior academiesby restructuring the framework of management due to spiking shortfall of Funds.Then Mr Deep Ray and Ms Apoorvi Jha who are now working as independent sportslawyers in association with several big organisations including FIFA and the AIFF spoke about the core stakeholders who were affected in the Indian football Industrysuch as player and staff salaries, broadcasters, sponsors, etc. and the scope of revenuegeneration during the pandemic with brief insights into various global sportsfranchises and leagues respectively. Mr Tarun Singh who is an assistant professor atGNLU and member of GNLU centre for sports dwelled into how this pandemic hastaken significant hit on the livelihood of the people who occupy smaller roles in thesports industry in general for instance ground staff. Lastly, Ms Tanvi Hans who is aprominent footballer and the captain of Bangalore United FC in Indian women’sleague discussed how the pandemic has affected the mental health of the players andhow they are able to stay fit during these conditions and how this pandemic had anoverall impact on them and the financial problems the players are facing during thesecircumstances.