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Our Third Batch of 260 students graduated in May 2021. Some key points are highlighted below:
The sudden onset of COVID’19 has impacted placements a great deal. However, SLS H has put in efforts to provide good opportunities to its students.
54% students The sudden onset of COVID’19 has impacted placements a great deal. However, SLS H has put in efforts to provide good opportunities to its students.
Rs. 3.7 Lakhs per annum is the average salary for campus placements 2020-21. Students with prior and relevant experience during internships have received higher compensation.
19% students chose to pursue higher studies and secured admission in LL.M in top Universities in UK, USA, Australia etc.
12% students enrolled for litigation and are assisting Senior Counsel in various High Courts of the Country.
Some students are also attempting Judicial Service Examinations after being trained for 2 years by our well qualified faculties through special lecture series for judicial aspirants.
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